Sunday, June 15, 2008

Summer Time Fun!


It looks like summer is here, complete with plenty of mosquitoes, flies, and ticks! It seems like the worst season we have seen here for biting insects at this point. It still isn't as bad as where we used to live in Cambridge, MN! The last couple of nights have been cool, so the mosquitoes are only bad for a couple hours in the evening. We have been able to continue running the dogs once or twice a week and let them run free in the kennel to play for awhile most days. They get quite a bit of exercise just chasing each other around the yard and playing, and it is great to keep them content, happy, and well socialized all summer. I have spent many hours the last couple of weekends brushing dogs... when Blake pulled into the yard Friday afternoon, he thought we may be having a snowstorm when he saw the cloud of fur blowing across the yard!

The pups are growing up quickly and are doing wonderfully. They are all so bright and happy and very smart pups. Puppy adventures are a lot of fun and they are learning new skills and tricks everyday. We need to sit down the choose some names for the pups. We have gotten some great suggestions, but haven't had a chance to make final decisions on most of them. Fiona's boys are Sherwood i.e."Woody" and "Doc". The girls aren't chosen for sure. We need to choose the theme for the noisy, naughty Kenzi pups! They are really awesome pups... very bright and full of courage and confidence! They master every challenge I come up with for them very quickly. (I try to think of a new challenge every day on our adventures... climbing stairs, getting into the dog boxes, jumping onto beds, running through open water...)
Fiona's pups will be named with a flower theme, but individual names are not yet decided. We still need a theme for Trouble's three pups, but they are sure to earn some good names soon. They may be the youngest of the litters, but they certainly are not the smallest!!
All the pups have learned how to sit for treats, and yes, "Willy" the cat often joins our game too! He really loves the puppies.

Have a great summer!
